Short Breaks
Breaks are vital to a carers wellbeing and quality of life

On this page

Caring for someone can be a full-time job, so breaks are vital to wellbeing and quality of life.
It is important to acknowledge the commitment and support you provide as an unpaid carer. The Short Breaks Team can help you to take steps towards making time for yourself.
What is a short break?
The term ‘short breaks’ is used to describe a service, item or activity that will allow you to have some time and space from your day-to-day routines and responsibilities.
Why is it important to take a break?
Taking a short break can help improve your health and wellbeing and that of the person you care for. A short break can help you as a carer to have a life alongside your caring role.

What can a short break look like?
Being a carer means something different for everyone and so it is no surprise that a short break will mean something different for everyone too.

A short break does not necessarily have to be a break away from the home (although it can be!). We can support you to identify the best break depending on your own needs, circumstances, and commitments.
A short break could be spending quality time with family or friends, time on your own, discovering a new hobby, a night away or even just lunch with a friend.
Who can access a short break?
Unpaid adult carers and young carers (aged 8+) can access the Short Breaks service.

A carer is an individual who provides unpaid care to a family member or friend due to illness, disability, frailty, mental ill-health, or a drug or alcohol dependency. Even if you receive Carer’s Allowance for your caring role, you are still an unpaid carer.
How to refer
If you would like to be considered for a Short Break, you can either:
Complete a referral form and email it to [email protected]
Call the centre on 01382 200422 where you can complete your referral over the phone.
If you have any questions, you can contact us as above, and the Short Breaks Team will be happy to help.

If you’re a business and would like to find out how you can support unpaid carers to take a break please visit our Respitality page.
Our Supporters

Dundee Carers Centre administers funds from the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and Shared Care Scotland’s Time to Live fund (funding provided by Scottish Government)