Get involved

Being a Member of Dundee Carers Centre

Ever thought about becoming a member? On this page we will explain why you should and how being involved can play a vital role within the centre.

A picture showing the back of peoples heads that are blurred out . In the forground there are two hands up.

It is important to us that everyone who is involved with the Dundee Carers Centre has an opportunity to have their voice heard and a say in what is important to them and how they would like to see the Centre operate, develop and grow.

There are different ways you can do that, one of which is to become a member of the organisation. If you are interested to find out in more detail what being a member means, the following will hopefully provide the answers.

Members FAQs

Members FAQs

Click on each FAQ below to find out more about the benefits of becoming a member and how you can apply.

What does membership mean?

Most charitable organisations such as ours have a structure that is made up of members and Trustees. Membership is a key part of the Centre’s governance and ensures that the organisation is going in the right direction and is sound financially.

Being a member means you can support the Board of Trustees and have important opportunities to directly influence how the organisation is run. You will have voting rights on major matters raised at the Annual General Meeting (or any Extraordinary General Meeting). Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are a requirement where the Convener of the Board reports on the activities of the organisation over the year, where there is consideration of the annual accounts and the election/re-election of Trustees.

The main areas where members can use their voting rights at these meetings are around any changes to our governing document and the election/re-election of Trustees. An example of this recently was the voting by members to amend our governing document to allow the AGM to be held online because of the pandemic. There are other matters that members may wish to consider which would mean having more say in how the organisation works and develops.