Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa Pledge Support to City’s Unpaid Carers

The Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa have pledged to support unpaid carers through the Dundee Carers Centre Respitality project. They have kindly donated vouchers that will be gifted to unpaid carers identified through the Short Breaks Team.
Caring means something different for everyone and so it’s no surprise that “breaks” mean something different for everyone too. A short break does not necessarily have to be a break away from the home, it could perhaps be to discover a new hobby, quality time with family or friends, time on their own, a night away or even just lunch with a friend.
Respitality is a Scottish Government supported project which is delivered locally by approved Respitality Delivery Partners and coordinated nationally by Shared Care Scotland. The aim of Respitality is to provide a short vital break for unpaid carers in Scotland when they need it most. This is achieved by connecting carers’ organisations with hospitality, tourism and leisure businesses who are willing to donate a break free of charge.
Paul Mooney added “When the team at Apex City Quay heard of the opportunity to support the Respitality project, we were immensely keen to be involved and support in any small way we could. The team here value our ability to give something back to the wider community, and are always seeking new opportunities to use our position and facilities to make a little difference to lives that need it. This therefore was the ideal project for us to support, allowing us to offer our leisure facilities for those that dedicate their time, lives and passion to others and have little chance to have that break that we all need. Our focus as a hotel is to make magical memories for our guests, creating those moments that they will treasure forever and give them a little escape from the everyday lives and stresses. There are no better beneficiaries of this that those that Respitality supports, which is why we were so keen to be involved and play our very small part. We look forward to continue to support this.”
If you are a local hospitality/leisure provider and would be interested in finding out how you can become a Respitality partner, please get in touch with our Short Breaks Team on 01382 200422 or email [email protected].
Click here to learn how the Short Breaks team can support you.
You can also find out more about Respitality by visiting the Respitality Website