Continuous Improvement and Self-directed Support

Dundee Carers Centre have run regular groups since 2017 for 6-8 unpaid carers through the Short Break service and more recently the Centres Groupwork service talking to people about the service they have received and what changes or improvements they may wish to see in the future.
These groups are called Continuous Improvement Groups and in 2023 our Self-directed support service will also take part.
At the heart of these groups is ensuring that unpaid carers have a voice and that the services we provide are as good as they can be. Seeking the views of unpaid carers, learning from these views and opinions, and growing our services in a way that is both responsive and transparent have been at the heart of the growth of Dundee Carers Centre throughout the years. This is no different. Such feedback will also help with future and ongoing funding applications.
On February 14 2023, we will run our first group and those taking part will have been suggested by our SDS Advisors. We will learn from this experience and aim to run 4 similar groups throughout the year from April on, covering both Angus and Dundee. Unlike other centre-based services our SDS service has been operational in Angus for many years.
If you might want to hear more about these groups or are perhaps interested in taking part either in Feb or in the future, we would be delighted to hear from you. It’s not a huge commitment, only two hours of your time, but will make a big difference to the way in which our SDS service runs both now and in the future. Your views as an SDS user really do matter.
For further information contact
[email protected] (Dundee Engagement Worker) Or [email protected] (Angus Engagement Worker)