News 25 Sep 2020

E Learning Opportunities for unpaid carers

Carers of Dundee Learning Portal

Carers of Dundee Learning Portal

The Dundee Carers Partnership are delighted to announce the launch of a new online learning portal for carers on Carers of Dundee Website

Dundee Carers Centre received Carers Act funding through The Carers Partnership to develop a dedicated learning resource for carers of all ages in Dundee.  The learning portal is a new digital resource tailored to the needs of carers of all ages in Dundee, the workforce who support them and the wider community.

As well as carefully curated existing online learning opportunities for carers from providers like the Open University and My World of Work, dedicated e-modules have been developed to meet the specific needs of carers in Dundee.  Over the next few weeks, we will be launching a series of modules to promote carer support and wellbeing – the first module launching the Learning Portal is the ‘Everyone Cares Module’

Sarah Boath, Carers Support Team Manager

On completion of the course, carers in Dundee will feel more confident to assert their rights and empowered to access support, from a knowledgeable workforce who recognise the important contribution they make to the community.

It is recognised also that many carers struggle to attend in-person training offered at Dundee Carers Centre, either due to time, money or ability to leave the person they care for.  This further highlighted the need to offer online courses that could be taken at home, in their own time.   This need has become even more pressing due to the ongoing COVID restrictions.

Ellie Julings, Learning and Development Worker

About Carers of Dundee

Anyone can find themselves in a caring role at any point in their lives. Where do you even start to look to get support or find information to help? There are many groups and organisations in Dundee but what one is right for you? How long do you leave it before you are at breaking point? enables carers and their families to access info and support, creating an online community for carers. It also enables carers to find out about relevant support, events, learning opportunities and activities to support them in their caring role, without having to search for local and national support organisations’ websites.

For more info please contact us on 01382 200422 or email [email protected]