News 31 Aug 2021

Summer of Fun for Dundee Carers and their Families

Images of young carers taking part in different activities throughout the summer supported by Dundee Carers Centre

Dundee carers and their families enjoyed a fun packed summer thanks to a number of local organisations and Summer of Play funding.

Over 120 carers and their families enjoyed a programme of fun activities which were supported by Dundee Carers Centre staff.

Trips included Camperdown Zoo, Dundee Ice Arena and Wildshore Dundee.

We also had fun with home science kits from Dundee Science Centre, a week’s long sports activity camp provided by King’s Camp, VR Experience through Showcase the Street and Para-sports camp through Dundee United Community Trust for children and young people with disabilities.

20 young carers transitioning into High School took part in activities with their link workers from the Centre along with Young Carers Ambassadors and high school staff.

In partnership with Dundee & Angus College, 9 young adult carers were involved in activities to help with their transition to college in Autumn.

This has been a fantastic opportunity to bring carers and their families together to have fun through the school holidays, we are very grateful to everyone who helped make these activities possible.

Also is has made the transition for many young carers and young adult carers a lot easier into High Schools and College.

Katriona Kelly, Development Worker at Dundee Carers Centre

Quotes from families:

“She loved it, she wants to go back.
She said she spoke with a couple of the girls, I said to her, not as scary as you thought then…It’s just that first step she had to take, now she knows how nice everyone is I think she will do more.

Parent of young carer about coming to young carers group activity for first time

“C and D loved visiting the Science Centre today. The refurb is great, what a difference – so much for the senses and to get hands on with. D would have stayed at the water and building sections all day if he could have.

Thank you so much to Dundee Carers Centre and Dundee Science Centre for our tickets we had a great time 🙂

Adult carer who received tickets to visit Dundee Science Centre

“I would like to say a big thank you to Dundee Carers Centre for providing tickets for us to go and visit Dundee Science centre. My younger 2 absolutely loved it and had a blast ❤ we even made a big heart to say thank you on the light peg wall that was super fun I think I enjoyed doing that more than the kids!

From adult carer who received tickets to visit Dundee Science Centre

College Transitions Quotes

I really enjoyed meeting up with the other carers as we got to do fun activities which helped boost my mood and confidence.

I loved meeting all the other people as I feel as if my friend group has expanded. I also met a girl who’s also in the same course as me which was fantastic. I feel very supported in starting my new college year and feel as if I can start afresh knowing that I am being supported in my journey to obtaining my qualification.


I honestly think that if it hadn’t been for the college orientation day I would have been really freaking out about starting college.

I’m actually really excited about it now.
