News 07 Jun 2021
Thank you Volunteers!
As we close another successful Volunteers Week we would like to extend a special thanks to all our volunteers who work hard to help us support unpaid carers and disabled people in Dundee.
Thank you all – From the team at Dundee Carers Centre 👏👏👏
As many of our volunteers are also unpaid carers, we are also happy to announce that the festivities are not over yet as today marks the first day of Carers Week! 🎉
This year’s theme is “Make Caring Visible and Valued” and we have many activities planned throughout the week starting off with our involvement in Carers of Dundee Virtual Hub that takes place at 11 am. Along with several other organisations we will be updating Carers of Dundee on the services available to carers & disabled people.
Watch on Carers of Dundee Facebook
Watch on Carers of Dundee Twitter