Young Carer Summer Programme
Even though life may look a little different just now, we are working hard to make sure that young carers have fun this summer!
We have created a 6 week ‘virtual’ activity programme, that is packed full of online groups/activities that young carers can take part in, along with a ‘weekly challenge’.
One of our main focus this year is a recruitment drive to make sure that all eligible young carers are signed up to Young Scot Card and Young Carer Package. Our carer support team will be in touch with young carers every Monday throughout the summer break to support young carers to sign up. For more information on young scot and young carers package click here.
The carer support team will be in touch with all young carers registered to the centre and sending out the programme and information on how to sign up to activities.
Please note that all online activities will take place on Gsuite platform (google). To access young carers will need to make sure that Google Chrome app/browser is downloaded to their device or desktop.
Basic instructions will be sent out, but carers support team will be available to help if there are access issues.