Style Guide


A guide to your website templates

Counselling services for carers
This is a label

This is a heading

This is your First Section, displaying two blocks. The first is uses a text block and the second an image, giving you a text/image layout. This can be reversed too, to be image/text!

You can have a maximum of three blocks in this section – allowing for a single, double or triple column introduction. This is just two…


Get Involved - Carers Voices
Backview of an elderly man with a walking stick being helped by a young woman to walk across a garden/park. In the foreground there is an empty wheelchair.

This is a second section

You are allowed three sections to a page, as well as the Grid, Posts or Tabs components – so you really can create a wide variety of beautiful pages.


This is your grid...

…allows you to create a further arrangement of text and graphic content areas right down your website, with the ability to arrange these in 2-column or 4-columns grids.

Young male hugging older woman - looking at the camera while an older man looks on.
Backview of an elderly man with a walking stick being helped by a young woman to walk across a garden/park. In the foreground there is an empty wheelchair.
Backview of group going on a hike.