What's in Your Locality


The work we do, who we work with and schools we support

Westend Team

Vickie, Virginia and Colm are the locality workers for the Westend.

They work closely with schools and organisations in the area to help support carers within the local community.

Carers Decide Groupwork Programme

Carers Decide Groupwork is a 6-week programme offering an opportunity for carers to meet and learn from each other’s caring experience.
Sessions are facilitated by Carers Centre staff and are available online and face to face.

For more information click here

Young Carer Support in Schools

We work closely with schools across the city to ensure that young carers are identified and supported within their educational setting.

A named Young Carer Coordinator and Dundee Carers Centre Support Worker is linked to each school and can offer practical and emotional support to young carers and families.  Young Carers Ambassadors within some secondary schools can offer emotional and peer support to young carers.

Explore school support in your locality

Venues we work in

  • Blackness Library
  • St Johns and Logie (cross) Church
  • The Friary Church
  • Harris Academy
  • West End Primary Schools

Partners we are working with

  • Christine Rea
    Communities Officer West End and The Ferry Wards
  • Joanne Kelly
    Community Learning and Development Worker (Community Empowerment Team – Broughty Ferry and West End)
  • Fiona Elder
    Blackness Library
  • Rev Grant Maclaughlan
    St Johns and Logie (Cross) Church
Colourful graphics with abstract shapes and squiggles. Text:
Explore today

Discover upcoming community cafes, events and groups taking place in the Westend, which also include events run by other organisations that support carers and disabled people.

Explore events in your area TODAY

Sinderins Community Hub

Takes place every Thursday – 1pm to 3pm –Venue- St Johns and Logie (Cross) Church

Workers Vickie Carnegie 07770891425  & Rev Grant Maclaughlan

Westend Health & Wellbeing Carers Group

Are you an unpaid carer? Not sure if you are an unpaid carer?

Come along and have a chat with some of the West End Locality Carers Support Team.

10.30am to 12.30pm
Blackness Library,
225 Perth Road, DD2 1EJ

Upcoming Dates and activities to be confirmed

Booking is essential as spaces are limited.

For more information please call us on 01382 200422

Click here for a full list of Carer Cafes/Groups across Dundee